How to Use Event Apps to Generate Extra Revenue

The event app has for a long time been the jack-of-all-trades solution in the event manager's armoury. They allow for lead registration, audience engagement, and act as a virtual agenda for audiences to reference. Safe to say, they’re a valuable addition to most conferences.

Ben Bradbury, August 23, 2017

But event apps aren’t just purely functional pieces of technology - they can be used to drive revenue. Their innate versatility means there’s several ways you can generate additional sponsorship revenue for your business.

Let’s explore 4 ways event apps can add both value and profit to your event:

1. Location, Location, Location

The bigger the venue, the bigger the opportunity.

In a large conference venue, it doesn’t just matter who is attending, but where they will be. Through iBeacons, you can deliver hyperlocal messages to your attendees as they move through the show. And of course, these can be sponsored.

These work particularly well for exhibitors who are centrally located, and will therefore be getting the most traffic. Attendees who visit their areas can be greeted with a customised message, or discount offer used in conjunction with the app.

You can also achieve this on a larger scale with geofencing, sectioning themed areas of the venue to give attendees relevant information, and sponsored opportunities.

2. Who Do You Think You Are?

You can target your attendees before the event even starts, by using supplied demographic data.

This begins with you seeding questions when an attendee registers, which lets you define their persona. Then when at the event, you can deliver a sponsored push to the attendees with relevant messaging.

Let’s say you’re at an FMCG tradeshow, and you’ve asked your attendees what food they like, and you’ve seen a clear preference for cheese. That’s a perfect opportunity to bring in a cheese supplier to serve up some relevant advertising. Or a cheese board...

Where messaging was potentially serving the wrong audience, event apps give sponsors clarity over where their advertising is directed, inevitably increasing conversions and ROI.

3. My App, Your Brand

From initial log in to post event follow up, event apps are a great opportunity for sponsors to achieve maximum brand exposure.

Colours, logos and more can and should be viewed as a sponsorship opportunity. At Glisser, we let clients achieve this through custom branding our solution to match the sponsor’s brand. From logging in, to digital Q&A and live polling, there are opportunities for the sponsor’s branding to be on screen.

You can also include sponsored content here, with resources shared on the event app directly going to attendees.

4. Speaking Native

Unlike other internet reliant advertising, event apps can operate completely offline. This is a massive advantage when it comes to advertising, as sponsors can preload messages ahead of time. This also means they’re not dependent on venue Wi-Fi, which can be notoriously unreliable!

Make sure you’re using event apps to their full potential. Drive sponsorship opportunities, serve attendees relevant advertising, and much more. They’ll help you get two things every event manager is after: revenue and results.

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