Founded in 2013, Bowlero is the largest owner and operator of bowling entertainment venues in the world with over 300 centers nationwide and over 9000 employees.

Boosting training by engaging classes

As the company continues to grow, so does their need for new hires. Each new Bowlero employee is given an in-depth training session. Every month, Bowlero send their new managers to the NY headquarters for a two week class on everything they will need to know. With classes ranging from 15-80 people, Bowlero struggled to keep their learners engaged. This is where Glisser could help.

“An Interactivity problem we didn’t know we had”

Bowlero’s problem was invisible. The training sessions were not engaging enough. While there is nothing wrong with traditional class styles and paper quizzes, it fell flat with their trainees. It felt more like a tick box exercise rather than an effective training session. Classes would be interrupted with questions, or learners would be distracted on their phones. Due to their intensive training schedule, Bowerlo needed to revitalise their sessions. Glisser’s impact was instant. The difference in the environment was staggering, with the use of Glisser making everyone more engaged and responsive.

“We’re invested in our people.”

Instead of using smaller paper quizzes at the end of each training session, Bowlero used Glisser’s live polling to integrate their “Check your Understanding” questions throughout training presentations. Additionally, instead of interrupting the class for questions, Glisser’s Q&A feature provided attendees with an anonymous voice throughout the sessions to submit their questions to a Q&A feed, which would all then be answered at a dedicated time after the presentation. This helped Bowlero conduct their training more efficiently and without pause. In addition, due to the ability for attendees to upvote questions, Bowlero had a better understanding of what content was working and what wasn’t. This enabled them to adapt their delivery and content to make the sessions far more effective and valuable. Bowerlo could also see what attendees found more challenging and focused more time on those topics. With this data and a plethora of other analytic scores, Bowlero is able to consistently able to pinpoint trouble areas and improve their training.

“What are you not willing to pay to keep your learners engaged, to keep your employees bought in, and then to retain them?”

Joe Chabot, Bowlero’s multimedia design manger, stated that “yes, test scores are going up which is great, but it for me-which is more important-is that people are interacting through class. Especially when you have a generation of people who love to be on their phones, giving them a free pass to be on their phones and making it a part of their learning is fantastic.”

“The more we develop different parts of our company, the more we find we’re using Glisser.”

Upon using Glisser more and more, Bowlero started to realize how Glisser was helping them in more than just their original use. One of the many great perks of using Glisser they found was the consistent branding across the board making design and uniformity easy within the company. Not only that, but Bowlero has started to branch out their use of Glisser with webinars or bigger conference formats such as the annual sales meeting. They have started to use it for cross-departmental meetings whether it be between sales and operations, or marketing and finances.
