It’s the doomsday scenario all presenters fear, your train has been delayed (thanks very much National Rail). You have an important client meeting to get to, that you absolutely can’t miss. They won’t reschedule. You can’t miss the start. What to do?

1. First off, get in touch with the client
Do this as soon as you’ve made your peace with the horrendous situation. Let the client know, and give them all the various options open to you both given that the show must carry on. Tell yourself that one day – far off in the distant future – you’ll laugh about this. Sadly that day is probably not now.

2. Don’t panic…

3. Use tech
Always make sure you have a laptop with you. Assuming that you do, check with your client to see if you can skype the room, or set up a Webex (we like GoToWebinar) instead. True, it’s not the same as actually being in the room, but it’s a good plan B, and these days there are plenty of video conferencing software programmes out there to help. Whether you’re just listening in, or have your video switched on as well, it’ll mean you can hear/see what’s going on remotely.

4. Share your screen
Both Skype and Citrix’s GoToWebinar will let you share your screen with other attendees. So if you were planning on demo-ing, or showing the room any documents, all is not lost.

5. Don’t panic…

6. Try and find somewhere quiet
By the loos is not ideal, nor is the quiet carriage (not if you want to make any new friends anyway). Mute your line unless you’re speaking to stop any unnecessary background noise being transmitted.

6. Stay calm and confident
99% of getting through this will come down to trusting in your own abilities as a presenter. Make a joke of the situation at the start, and then move on. Vary the rhythm of your voice as you talk, smile as you speak, and remember you’ve done this hundreds of time before.

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